If you would like to help out please contact Pastor Tori MacKinnon. If you would be willing to bake for the day please contact Jane MacPhillimy. This will be followed by our normal Sunday morning service at 11am. If you would like to volunteer or help to at the drop in please speak with our church intern, Kathryn Tatlow. If you would like to volunteer on a Tuesday or a Friday please see Pastor Tori MacKinnon. If you would like to volunteer at the meal please see Finlay MacKinnon. If you would like to register for the meal please see Pastor Tori or click here to book: https://bit.ly/3ZAOlcNMore details will be coming soon on her to register. If you would like to give to a specific ministry (youth, The Table, Weekend Away, etc.) please reference it when transferring your tithes or offerings.