If you would like to volunteer for the Toast & Tea time please speak with Pastor Jacob or Pastor Tori for more details about that. If you would like to help out by coming along for a chat, making soup, or helping to serve then please see Maggie Anderson or Paul Tarrant for more details. For more details on volunteering please see Pastor Tori or Pastor Jacob. We are in need of a Santa for both parties, we do have a costume already. If you would be willing please see Pastor Tori. Please note that this is not for drop off, parents must stay with the children. Please see Nick Barclay or Megan Chism for further details on this!The Saturday practice on December 17th will be from 2-4pm.
Highlights from last month:
A brilliant night was had over the anniversary weekend at the ceilidh, as well as an all around wonderful weekend of fun for the church and community as we celebrated 41 years of ECN! ECN was a collection centre for the local area and 300+ boxes were sent off from here to be sorted and then sent to those receiving them for Christmas this year! AND an extra big thank you to Heather Barclay (pictured below) for her heart and hard work that she does to organise this!The youth did an excellent job getting the church hall decorated with Christmas decorations this year! A big thank you as well to Renee Anderson for making sure that we have a tree!Thank you to everyone that helped and came out for our 2022 Christmas Wreath and Craft night! Some lovely wreaths and crafts were made !