Click here to fill in the connection form so that we can stay up to date with you. Click here to add prayer requests.
If you are considering volunteering with our toddler group next term, coming along to the parties to help out is a great opportunity to see what it is like. If you are able to come along to either of the dates above, from 9am – 12pm, to help out please speak to Pastor Tori or Maggie Anderson. Please do not forget to book using the QR code above or by clicking here so that we can prepare the right amount of food — we have had many sign ups already! There is also still need for volunteers, please contact Pastor Tori or Finlay today if you are able to come along to help. Bring along some lawn chairs or picnic blankets for sitting out. If you are someone that is keen on BBQing please see Megan Chism about BBQing! Bring along your favourite side dish or dessert to share! Please see Kathryn Tatlow or Megan Chism with any questions. Click here to follow along on Facebook for further information from the summer camp page. If you are available to volunteer for the holiday club all or any of the days please see Jane MacPhillimy and let her know ASAP so that we can make sure we have any PVG items that we need from our helpers. It was a joy to have the Messeder’s with us this past month for our missions service to share with us their upcoming plans to move and serve in Guatemala. If you would like to stay in touch, keep up to date with what they are doing, or support them in prayer/finances, you can get in touch with the details above. This past month during our special collection for the building fund we collected just over £800. This is a great start to raising the funds that we need for some of the projects above to help us to be more inclusive and more sustainable. If you would like to give directly to the building fund you can do so my labelling your cash envelope, using the ‘Building Fund” button on the card machine, or through bank transfer with the reference ‘building fund.’