Paul Tarrant talks today about the Christians declaration of faith.
Guest speaker Shelley Kenny continues our series on how Christ's love compels us.
Guest speaker Jack Swan continues this new series looking at what the series title means to him.
Guest speaker Pastor James Pettigrew begins a new series entitled 'Christ's love Compels Us', this week looking at how we bring the gospel to the world.
Pastor Derrick concludes this series by looking at how we cannot be the church without the Spirit of God within us.
Pastor Derrick continues this series by looking at what Gods grace can do with any bitterness that exists within our lives.
Pastor Derrick continues this series by looking at how Grace changes the way we see the world.
Continuing our series 'Grace Makes...' Pastor Derrick looks at what grace means in terms of family.
Pastor Derrick starts a new series entitled "Grace Makes", he begins by looking at the life of Peter and the transforming power of Grace in his life.
Alison Loveday brings todays message, focusing on the Gifts of Christ.
Pastor Nick continues our Faithful Presence series this week looking at what to do when God says no.
Pastor Derrick discusses prayer and how we are to use it to not only to communicate with our Father, but also as an act of releasing control.
Pastor Derrick explores the concept of the Lords table and how hospitality reflects the heart of God.
What does mean for each of us to be 'Peacemakers'? Pastor Nick continues this new series by looking at what it means to seek your highest good for others.
How do we live out our lives in day to day relationship with Jesus? Pastor Derrick starts this new series with this important question.
In this final part of our series, Pastor Derrick looks at how we can ask God to help us discover our true hearts desire.
Pastor Derrick continues looking at this series, this week looking at the fundamental needs of our heart.
Pastor Derrick continues with our 'Fulfilled in Christ' series, this week looking at how the longing in our hearts is inspired by Christ.
As part of a new series, Pastor Derrick discusses how we are told not to be fooled by the world and its limited ability to fulfil.
Alison Loveday concludes our Advent series looking at Jesus our Joy.
Pastor Nick continues our advent series, this week looking at Gods gift.
Pastor Derrick continues this Advent series asking what is God's peace?
In a new series, Pastor Derrick looks at the advent story this week looking at how God always keeps his promises to His people
Why is the gospel Good News? Pastor Derrick looks at this fundamental question and asks why we have been entrusted with it.
Pastor Derrick this week looks at how Jesus described the Holy Spirit and what that means for us.
Pastor Nick continues our series on John, the gospel of new creation, this week looking at how we can strengthen our connection with God.
This week we continue looking at Jesus as the Good Shepherd as part of our series The Gospel of New Creation.
Finlay Mackinnon shares his thoughts on the Gospel of John and in particular the healing of a blind man.
Alison Loveday continues our look at the Gospel of New Creation, this weak exploring the concept of understanding the Gospel or actually putting our trust in the Gospel.
Pastor Derrick continues our look at the Gospel of John and looks at the deeper message contained within.