The Gospel According to Mark is a fast paced and action packed narrative of the Kingdom of God come in King Jesus. Mark tells the Story from the perspective of a disciple who is walking closely with Jesus and that’s exactly what we’re going to be emphasising. We’re going to explore what it means to follow both the Jesus of Galilee…the Jesus who performs awesome miracles, who is aware and acting in the details of our lives, and who enters into the God-forsaken places that they may no longer be God-forsaken…and the Jesus of Jerusalem…the Jesus who willingly embraces the torturous cross and calls us to give our lives away, pick up our cross and follow Him – not one or the other, but both together! My hope and prayer is that in walking closely with Jesus through Mark God would open up our hearts by His Spirit to the reign of His Kingdom in the world and the power of His Gospel to be proclaimed and embodied in our homes, neighbourhoods and work places for the sake of the world. May God’s Word become alive in us, His church.
Quick Guide
Connect over coffee - 10.30 Sunday Morning Service - 11:15am