This past weekend, ECN celebrated its 32nd birthday and what an amazing weekend it was where God moved tremendously! From the very start of the weekend, you could sense a greatness of expectation and anticipation throughout the people and church. And by the end of the weekend, there was not one person who could not feel the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit.
It all began on Friday (1st November) for Fusion Youth Ministries Annual Fireworks Display. With months and months of preparation, it was a beautiful thing to watch unfold. Nearly 2000 people entered through ECN’s doors to see the fireworks! Not only was there the main display of fireworks but as well as live music, fresh donuts, home-baking, hot dogs, stalls, and ice cream. It would of been hard for anyone not to enjoy themselves.
On Saturday morning, the troops were back at it again (47 to be exact!). Only this time it was to hand out free loaves of bread to those who filled out a prize draw slip from the Fireworks the night before. As the rain remained relentless, so did the volunteers handing out the bread. What a great witness it was to the community to continue to deliver these loaves despite of the pouring rain. Many families were shocked and touched by our church’s willingness to bless and brave the weather.
Along with the bread, an invitation to a free evening meal and ceilidh was handed out for later that night. Over 100 people from the community and church gathered to eat and dance together and hear testimonies of what the church has meant to us. The dancing and conversations continued till late hours of the night–oh what a night! But it did not stop there…
On Sunday morning, ECN officially celebrated its 32nd anniversary. Trevor Hutton visited us from Manchester and spoke about the three M’s of Mission: motivation, message and ministry (click here to listen) . Trevor spoke with great authority about being thehands and feet of Jesus. At the end of the service, he invited the congregation to come forward with our hands open, to be anointed and prayed over–that God would use us to be His hands and feet. As the worship continued, a multitude of people came forward to be anointed. God spoke straight to the hearts and souls of so many that Sunday morning through prayer including one accepting Jesus as their Lord and Saviour! God is on the move!
Later that night, the celebration continued as 3 were baptised! It was indeed a powerful night of testimony and worship through water baptism. What a proclamation of the gospel itself!
Lead Pastor Derrick Thames stated on the ECN’s Facebook page, “Thanks be to God for his powerful presence with us this weekend! God is so faithful and His lovingkindness never ends. May we live everyday with the kind of great anticipation of God’s grace that we have shared together in this past week. Let us hunger and thirst for more of Jesus that he may fill us afresh with all of the fullness of God. Amen.”
Amen indeed!
Let it be so. Selah.